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Top Steel OÜ is located in Narva city, Eastern Estonia.

Our company is taking orders on light 

metal constructions, specialising mostly on fabrication of doors and windows.

Our average capacity is about up to 400 doors per month.


We provide different variety:

Profiled  standard solution doors, made out of well known ''Swiss made Forster profile systems ''


We work with ''Swedish made SAPA systems'' for Aluminium profiles.

Also making doors that are Fire-resistant and Euro CE approved.


We are open for cooperation with companies that are in the same field of business and will try to offer the best possible solution for the project you might have.


Self engineered projects of different complexity, made completely from zero out of flat steel or stainless steel metal sheets.

Perioodil 15.02.2021 - 31.01.2022 viiakse läbi projekt “Top Steel OÜ tootmise laiendamine” „Ida-Virumaa tööstusinvesteeringute” meetme raames. Projekti eesmärgiks on seadmete soetamine, mis võimaldavad suurendada tootmisvõimsust ja käivitada alumiiniumprofiilist uste tootmist. Toetuse suuruseks on 90 000 eurot.

Perioodil 23.03.2020 - 30.06.2022 viiakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi kaasrahastamisel ellu projekt

 EU53859  „Silemetalluste katsed". Projekt sai tuge EAS-i innovatsiooniosakute toetusmeetmest, toetuse summaks on 3 960 eurot. 

Top Steel OÜ

Feel free to contact us

Ida-Viru maakond, Narva linn,

Kangelaste prospekt 18a-70,

20605, Estonia 

+372 53339318

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